Monday, October 15, 2007

The Universe...

Ever wondered what's beyond space?
what's beyond the universe?
they sae the universe is infinite...
wat if there's an end...
wat would it be like?
wat would it look like?
maybe the universe is an inverted sphere?
if u travel in a straight line... u'll reach back to the same exact point where u started?
or maybe the universe is juz an entity?

imagine... the universe is actually a living thing...
and stars and planets are the cells to this "whatever it is thing"
the universe is it's "blood"
blood for this super giant...
and that this giant is living in another world...
and that is only another "cell" of it's universe... O_o
wow... i'm thinking too far...

wat if...
we are juz a piece of data file of a mega super computer?
someone actually...
delete... Universe:\Galaxy no.18923928\Solar System no.986263\Planets\Earth.dat

i'd better go sleep...
good nite...

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